| Post date: 2021/11/17 |
Conflict of Interest is defined as a set of conditions in which professional judgment concerning a primaryinterest, such as the validity of research, may be influenced by a secondary interest, such as financial gain. A Conflict of Interest Disclosure is an agreement or notification from the authors that they have not been paid for the work, or if they have, stating the source of their payment. The purpose of Conflict of Interest Disclosure form is to provide readers of authors’ manuscript with information about authors’ interests that could influence how the authors receive the work. The corresponding author (on behalf of all co-authors) should submit a conflict of interest disclosure form and is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the submitted manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure form can be signed by the corresponding author on behalf of all co-authors and stating that the submitted manuscript is the authors’ original work, has not received prior publication and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, permission has been received to use any material in the manuscript much as tables, figures etc. or no permissions have necessary to publish the authors’work.
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