Submission Instrauction

 | Post date: 2021/11/21 | 
Submission Instruction _ Journal of Iran Occupational Health
Articles are reviewed in Persian with an extended English abstract. An article Should include below parts:
  1. English abstract (up to 250 words)
  2. extended English Abstract (2000-2500 words)
  3. Persian Abstract (up to 250 words)
  4. Article in Persian (4000-6000 words)
  5. References
Publishing an article in Iran Occupational Health journal requires payment. Payment of Article Processing Charge (APC) is payable only if your article is accepted after peer review, before it is published.The APC for this journal is 15,000,000 Iranian Rial for Iranian authors and for international contributors it is free. For further information on how to pay the APC in Rial, please contact the executive manager at

Author’s Name and Surname1, Author’s Name and Surname2 (10 font size)
1Organization of author1; e-mail1
2Organization of author 2; email2

ABSTRACT (Times New Roman, 10 Font Size, bold, all caps, left justified)- bstract should be written between 200-250 words and with 10 font size, Times New Roman, justified, single line spacing. Abstract should be included:  Introduction, Methods and Materials, Results, Conclusion and Keywords.
 KEYWORDS: keyword 1; keyword2; keyword3; up to 6 (Said section should contain maximum 6 words that are written with 10 font size and separated with semi-colon)

Extended abstracts must contain all relevant aspects and information of a regular research in a form that is shorter than the full text. In addition, you should use references in the extended abstract up to 8. Subtitles of the extended abstract should be composed of introduction, Methods and Materials, results, discussion (selective) and conclusion. It shall be written in English with Times New Roman font, single line spacing and 11 font size and can contain figures (up to 2), tables (up to 2), or images (up to 2). Page margins are 1 inch on all sides, in A4 paper size and should not exceed 4 pages (including all figures, tables) or from 2000 to 2500 words. It should follow the suggested template below.

INTRODUCTION (Title Times New Roman, font size 12, bold). Current literature regarding the work subject should be examined and the differences of the said work from the past, similar works should be presented clearly in the introduction section.
METHODOLOGY The methodology must be clearly stated and described in sufficient detail or with sufficient references. The author shall explain the research question, describe the research framework, and the methods applied in detail. It should be furthermore highlighted why the research question is relevant to theory and practice, and why the chosen method(s) are suited for the problem.
RESULT Presentation of the result obtained. If possible, use descriptive figures or tables rather than explain in text. Do not discuss or interpret the results at this stage.
Figures and tables must be numbered. Figures and tables captions must be centered in 12 p.t with small caps. Captions with figure numbers must be placed after their associated figures. Captions with table numbers must be placed before their associated tables.
DISCUSSION (this part is selective) Discuss the results. Put your results in perspective by comparing to other studies or generally accepted knowledge in the field. Criticize your own method and results, for example, with respect to the simplifications made.
CONCLUSIONS Conclusion should include (1) the principles and generalizations inferred from the results, (2) any exceptions, problems or limitations of the work, (3) theoretical and/or practical implications of the work, and (5) conclusions drawn and recommendations.
If you use any references, please give them with authors’ surname and date
ACKNOWLEDGMENT (this part is selective)
Collate acknowledgements in this separate section at the end of the text, before the part of references. List here those individuals who provided help during the research (e.g., funding the project, providing language help, writing assistance or proof reading the article, etc.).
Conflict of interest statement must be placed at the manuscript as below:
"The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this manuscript".

 The structure of the full text of the article should include the following sections:
Article title in Persian ( B Nazanin font size 14)
Authors names:
In the first line, the name and surname of the first author and immediately after that the Affiliation (organizational address) of the authors should be inserted.
In the next line, enter the name and surname of the second author and immediately after that the Affiliation (organizational address) of the authors
The third author and…
Names with (B Nazanin font size 10), affiliation with B Nazanin font size 10 are set and include
Academic rank, department, faculty, university, city and country, and inclusion of email and ORCID is mandatory for all authors.
Specify the address (postal address and postal code), telephone, fax, and e-mail of the author responsible for the correspondence of the article and the date of submission of the article in the footnote of the first page.

Persian Abstract (include: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions of 250 to 500 words, with 3-6 key words)
The titles of the main sections of the article include:
Acknowledgments (this section is optional)

* Article should be written in 12 B Nazanin font size 12. Titles should be bold and subtitles should be italicized.
 Formulas: If the article contains a formula, please formulate it only with the word formulation program or MathType and place it in the text, and the numbering should be done in the order of entering the text.
* Article should be written in 12 B Nazanin font size 12. Titles should be bold and subtitles should be italicized.
How to insert tables and charts: Tables, charts and figures (maximum 8 in total) are numbered in order and used in the text of the article instead.
Enter the titles of all the tables at the top and the charts and shapes at the bottom. All images must be submitted in high quality and the publication will not be responsible for low quality images. If a chart is sent, please be sure to send its Excel file. Please do not send screenshots of tables and charts.
Mentioning the reference next to the titles of the tables and diagrams is essential.

References: The references used should be numbered in the text entry order. The number of references should be stated in parentheses in the text and starting from number one and added in order. It should be noted that the order of numbering of references starts from the extended English abstract. Also, the references are mentioned once and at the end of the article and you do not need to mention the references at the end of the English section. The number of references mentioned, should be the same as the references used in the text. Translate Persian references into English and write the word [Persian] at the end.

References should be adjusted according to Vancouver guidelines as follows:
  1. Up to six authors:
Surname The first letter of the name. Title. Magazine title. Year; Volume (Number): Number of pages. (Authors' names are separated by commas)
Chaudhari L, Tandon OP, Vaney N, Agarwal N. Auditory evoked responses in gestational diabetics. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 2003;47(1):75-80.
  1. More than six authors:
After the sixth author of the comma and then et al. comes. The rest of the bibliographic information is organized as above
Berlin CI, Bordelon J, Jhon PS, Wilensky D, Hurley A, Kluka E, et al. Reversing click polarity may uncover auditory neuropathy in infants. Ear Hear1998;19(1):37-47.
A) Up to six authors:
Surname The first letter of the name. Book title. Printing number. Place of publication: Publisher; Year . (Authors' names are separated by commas)
Gelfand SA. Essential of audiology. 2nd ed. New York: Thieme; 2001.
B) More than six authors:
After the sixth author of the comma and then et al. Is coming. The rest of the bibliographic information is organized as above.
C) Chapter of the book:
Surname The first letter of the names of the authors of the chapter. Chapter title. In: Surname The first letter of the name of the editors, the word editor. Book title. Printing number. Place of publication: Publisher; Year. Page. Number of pages
Shepard NT, Telian SA. Evaluation of balance system function. In: Katz J, editor. Handbook of clinical audiology. 4th ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1994.p. 438-42.


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