Iran Occupational Health


Iran Occupational Health


 E-ISSN: 2228-7493

 Chairman: Dr. Ahmad Ameri

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Ali- Asghar Farshad




 Iran Occupational Health (IOH) is a Peer reviewed Open Access online journal which is published in Persian with extended abstract continuously, by Iran University of Medical Sciences. The Journal has been in publication since 2005, and aims to publish the latest research in the area of Occupational Health and sharing the findings with other researchers in the world. This journal is following of Committee on Publication Ethics and compliant with the highest ethical standard in accordance with ethical laws. IOH covers multidisciplinary researches concerning factors influencing workforces in any workplaces.


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Iran Occupational Health Journal

2024، Volume 21، Number 1

Print ISSN: 1735-5133

Online ISSN: 2228-7493

Director-in-Charge: Dr Ahmad Ameri

Editor-in-Chief: Dr Ali Asghar Farshad

Publication Frequency: Continuous

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Journal Information

  • Current Issue: 2024، Volume 21، Number 1
  • Print ISSN: 1735-5133
  • Online ISSN: 2228-7493
  • Director-in-Charge: Dr Ahmad Ameri
  • Editor-in-Chief: Dr Ali Asghar Farshad
  • Publication Frequency: Continuous
  • Publisher: Iran University of Medical Sciences

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