Background and aims: Realization of the oil industries goals in the competitiveness field, addressing the threads of health, safety and environment has become one of the preferences for the oil industry in today's business. In this paper, the fuzzy logic model has been used to assess the factors influencing performance of the health, safety and environment in the oil refinery and their effects on occupational accidents in the workplace.
Methods: The required data for the research were collected using the preparation of standardized questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of three main sections of HSE that are composed of fourteen subsections as input variables and also one output variable titled occupational accidents. A total number of 150 questionnaires were distributed to employees, of which 136 were returned. From these, 108 samples were used for training and 28 samples for testing of fuzzy logic model.
Results: The result revealed that the purposed fuzzy logic model has good performance for predicting of the occupational accidents in Tehran oil refinery.
Conclusion: The proposed fuzzy logic model, as an organized decision making, could help managers to make decisions based on the opinions of staff and experts in the workplace which ultimately leads to more precise planning, reduction of accidents, saving time and money.
Type of Study:
Research |
HSE Received: 2013/08/8 | Accepted: 2014/05/29 | Published: 2014/12/15