Volume 17, Issue 1 (2020)                   ioh 2020, 17(1): 148-159 | Back to browse issues page

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Omidvari M, Karami M, Faghihnia Torshizi Y. Presenting of change management model for copper industries with HSE approach using FAHP and DEMATEL. ioh 2020; 17 (1) :148-159
URL: http://ioh.iums.ac.ir/article-1-2657-en.html
Safety Industrial engineering department, Industrial and Mechanical engineering Faculty, Islamic Azad university, Qazvin Branch , omidvari88@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (3055 Views)
Background and Aims: management of change is one of the requirements of quality standards  in dynamic industries. Make changes without evaluation can be a challenge, if not managed properly, can be irreparable damage. Failure to management of change can cause an organization in the HSE area to face many problems, including accidents and work-related illnesses or unwanted environmental pollution. Determining the criteria for assessing the consequences of change may help the organization determine whether this change is in the organization or not. On the other hand, change in the organization is compulsory in many cases. Assessing and determining the causes of the impact of a change can help the organization to improve its readiness to deal with possible emergencies through the implementation of a change. Any change in the manpower, equipment, processes and procedures of the organization will be likely to create new health, safety and environmental hazards. The management of change process helps to ensure that the organization (production or service) operations are carried out safely and reliably. It should be noted that many policies, safety instructions and safety processes have been created in the organization based on traditional thinking and are less reviewed and changed, which does not interfere with the changes that have occurred in the technology. The aim study aims to provide a change management model with the HSE approach.
Material and methods: In this study, firstly, the contributing of change management process were defined based on the HSE approach according to available resources. In the first stage, 15 criteria and 40 sub-criteria were determined. Then, using the experts' opinion, the most important ones were selected, in which 5 criteria and 12 sub-criteria were defined. In this research, expert someone who has at least a Bachelor's degree in the field of HSE, industrial engineering or industrial management. Also have at least 10 years experience in the copper industry. At this point, 10 experts were selected. A pairwise questionnaire (prepared by researchers) was used to collect expert opinion. Experts were used to determine the validity of the questionnaire. Matrix correlation coefficient as well as Cronbach's alpha coefficient were used to change its reliability. At this stage, we used the FAHP method to determine the weight of effectiveness and prioritization of the criteria. To provide a conceptual model of the study, it was necessary to determine the relationship between the criteria to determine which criteria were defined as being setting Effect measures in the change management process and which criteria were defined as a receiver Effect measure of the management of change process. In this section, research and determination of the criteria of the criteria was used with the main change management process from DEMATEL. DEMATEL's results were categorized into two setting Effect and receiver Effect groups. Based on the results, it was proposed to present a decision model for assessing and ranking the changes, as well as providing a decision model for assessing the implementation of the change. At last, Based on the results, a linear model was proposed for evaluating and ranking the changes, as well as providing a decision model for evaluating the implementation of the change.
Results: In the first stage, the results of FAH in determining the weight and ranking of main criteria showed that among the main criteria, the main criterion is the consequences of the change and then the ability to execute the change. The lowest priority is the change type, which has a lower rating. In the case of sub-criteria, the results showed that among the sub-criterion that influences the management of chang process, the following is the highest priority under the criterion of the level of effectiveness and type and outcome probability, and the budget and facilities needed. Changes in equipment and organization and manpower are of the lowest priority.
The results of the DEMATEL section to determine the internal relations of the criteria with the change management process for the conceptual modeling of the research showed that the highest criterion of setting Effect among the sub criteria is the type of change with the sub-criterion of organizational changes and the ability to execute with the sub-criterion of the required facilities and HSE management With a safety degree. Also, the most receiver Effect measure in managing change is the change outcome with the sub-criterion of the type of outcome and the standard of HSE management with the sub criteria of environmental pollution.
According to the results obtained from normalizing the data, the decision model of priority and choosing the changes defined is as follows.

Where in; S is degree of Safety, H is degree of Health, B is Budget required, F is facility required, O is organization, Hu is Human, Ma is Management, Eq is equipment. It should be noted that all defined parameters have 0 or 1 state (they are realized 1 and they are not reached 0). It is clear that as much as the number of ASSESS is higher, the defined change has a higher priority in execution.
According to the results obtained from the normalization of data, the decision model is the priority of implementing the defined changes as follows.

 Where in; I is conseqence of change (if consequence is acceptable I is 1. If consequence is unacceptable I is 0), Ip is probablity of conseqence (if probeblity is high then Ip is 1. If probability is low, then Ip is 0) , P is performance (if performance is acceptable P is 1. If performance is un acceptable P is 0), E is environmental pollution (if changes cause enviromental pollution, E is 1. If changes don’t cause environmental pollution, E is 0). It should be noted that all defined parameters have 0 or 1 state (they are realized 1 and they are not reached 0).
Conclusion: Using change management models can make changes without putting a lot of challenge. In the copper industry, due to changes in environmental conditions and the dangers of this industry, the cosequence of change is prioritized. In other industries with their own structures, creating a change management structure may vary. The results show that the most important issue in the change management process is the assessment of executive capacity and the assessment of the consequences of the change. Also, in evaluating the feasibility of making changes, there is a need for comprehensive studies to be made so that we can properly and accurately plan the resources needed to implement the change. Using decision models, especially the use of models that represent the internal relations between decision-making criteria, can act in the formation of new conceptual models with a new approach.
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Safety
Received: 2018/07/30 | Accepted: 2019/09/10 | Published: 2020/07/6

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