Volume 11, Issue 5 (2014)                   ioh 2014, 11(5): 65-73 | Back to browse issues page

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Gholami T, Piran Veyseh P, Aliabadi M, Farhadian M. Evaluation of noise pollution and its effects on subjective fatigue of staffs in the governmental banks of Hamadan city. ioh 2014; 11 (5) :65-73
URL: http://ioh.iums.ac.ir/article-1-1095-en.html
, mohsen.aliabadi@umsha.ac.ir
Abstract:   (9212 Views)

 Background and aims: Noise pollution in bank, as environment for presentation of financial services, is very important from the viewpoint of comfort aspects. This study aims to assess noise pollution and its effects on subjective fatigue of staffs in the governmental banks.

 Methods: In this cross sectional study, noise equivalent levels were measured in 20 governmental banks located in Hamadan city using sound level meter TES-1358 during work shift. To determine subjective feeling of fatigue , a standard fatigue questionnaire (with reliability coefficient equal to 0.8) was completed among 167 staffs. The questionnaire has 30 questions which was covered three criteria drowsiness, difficulty of concentration and physical impairment. Staffs sensitivity to noise was also measured using standard scales for noise annoyance. The data was analyzed using statistical tests included Pearson Correlation and Analysis of Variance

  Results: Noise levels in indoor and outdoor of the studied banks were 62±3.7 dB (A) and 64.7±1.8 dB (A), respectively. Subjective fatigue of staffs in the different classes of noise exposure was significantly difference ( Pvalue =0.0 01). The correlation between staffs sensitivity to noise and subjective fatigue was also significant ( P value =0.0 01, r =0.406 ).

 Conclusions: The result confirmed subjective fatigue of staffs increased in the different classes of noise exposure . Hence, optimization of the acoustic conditions and increasing staffs and customaries awareness about noise health effects are considered to be very necessary.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ergonomics
Received: 2013/10/23 | Accepted: 2014/07/27 | Published: 2014/11/22

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