Volume 16, Issue 5 (2019)                   ioh 2019, 16(5): 14-29 | Back to browse issues page

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Ramezanian R, Hasanolhosseini S S. Identification and Prioritization of Industrial Organizations HSE-MS Key Performance Indicators by Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making Approach (FAHP & Taxonomy). ioh 2019; 16 (5) :14-29
URL: http://ioh.iums.ac.ir/article-1-1964-en.html
Department of Industrial Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Iran , Ramezanian@kntu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (4138 Views)
Background and aims: Given the ever - expanding growth of science and technology that the multiplicity, variety, and complexity of industrial processes have been only a part of it, and despite the many human needs to be met using science and technology, the devastating effects must not be forgotten. These consequences are either due to the unknown dimensions and aspects found in modern science and technology or the result of mismanagement, illness and work - related accidents. Among these effects and consequences are environmental consequences. Research shows that occupational accidents are among the most important consequences of globalization, especially in developing countries. On the other hand, the environment has suffered from the pollution caused by industrial and manufacturing centers to the extent that the pervasive environmental crises such as gradual warming, stratospheric ozone depletion, acid rain, depletion environmental crises such as gradual global warming, stratospheric ozone depletion, acid rain, depletion of water oxygen and aquatic death, soil degradation caused by waste and chemicals and, to some extent, noise pollution, result from unequal confrontation between industry and environment. Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) management is responsible for planning, implementing, monitoring and optimizing operational processes in the areas of environmental management, health protection and occupational safety. Regulatory requirements play an important role in HSE discipline. Considering the threats posed by industry and the imposition of heavy and increasing costs on the economy of human society, and considering the importance and role of Health, Safety, and Environment - Management System (HSE-MS) in protecting these two infrastructure components, and of course, highly influential manpower and the environment in the field of industry and production and more importantly sustainable development, it is imperative to evaluate optimally and realistically its performance in industries and manufacturing centers.
The effects and consequences of the devastation caused by the dangers and aspects of the HSE have become so tangible and visible that they have prompted national, and international agencies to respond these issues since the mid-1990s. These reactions occur in many forms, including the creation and dissemination of standards and management systems. The standardization approach in the field of HSE was a response to the needs of organizations and stakeholders that sought to manage HSE in a more sustainable and effective way in order to reduce the number of events (accidents), occupational injuries and diseases, mitigate environmental aspects and consequences.
Ranking is a type of qualification criterion based on defined standards and is intended to guarantee the quality and quantity of contractors in providing services and defending the rights of stakeholders and users. Integrated fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) and Taxonomy techniques as a method in multi criteria decision making (MCDM) helps decision maker(s) to organize and analyze problems, and to rank alternatives. Identification of criteria and indicators, selection of measures and weighting of indicators which with HSE-MS performance evaluation are the purposes of this study. Then, developed method is applied to rank the 5 actives organizations in boat industry.
Methods: This applicable study was done as a descriptive-analytic procedure. Graduates of HSE related fields with career in HSE performance evaluation are the statistical population of this research. The number of samples was 8 experts that according to the sampling method - nonprobability, purposive (or judgmental) and convenience - was in correspondence with the purpose of this paper. To incorporate the experts' knowledge and experience in presenting their opinion, we weigh the experts based on their educational background, HSE experience and HSE performance evaluation and determine their significance coefficients and incorporate these coefficients into the data extracted from the questionnaires. ISO 14001 : 2015 (Environmental Management Standard) and ISO 45001 : 2018 (Occupational Safety and Health Management) standards and collegiate related courses – industrial safety engineering, occupational hygiene engineering and environment engineering/management - were basement to identify the HSE-MS criteria and indicators. After identification, in order to quantify HSE-MS performance evaluation, some measures were determined and made available for experts. Then, experts weighted them which weighting using FAHP approach with EA method. Finally, performance evaluation of HSE-MS is done by Taxonomy method in 5 actives organizations in boat industry. All experts have experience in the field of HSE performance evaluation. According to the content, approach and goals of the research, the data collection tool is a questionnaire. As ISO 14001 : 2015 (Environmental Management Standard) and ISO 45001 : 2018 (Occupational Safety and Health Management) standards are used to identify indicators and indicators are derived from standard clauses and each standard clause represents a specific topic, so each indicator exclusively represents one of the standard clauses. This is also indicative of the validity of the indicators.
The properties of a suitable criterion can be divided into two categories: inner and outer. Internal characteristics are related to the components and internal dimensions of a criterion, while external features refer to the type of relationship between the criteria. A good criterion should have features such as: quantitative, valid, representative, minimal variability of performance measurement results under the same conditions, sensitive to change, cost-effective, understandable to most users Considering the inner and outer criteria while selecting the features will lead to a comprehensive selection that will prevent the selection of additional indefinite features along with full coverage of the HSE-MS dimensions and elements. Based on ISO 14031 : 2013 (Environmental Performance Assessment Standard), we considered two types of managerial and operational indicators for the comprehensiveness of HSE-MS performance evaluation. We determined managerial indicators according to the ISO 14001 : 2015 (Environmental Management Standard) and ISO 45001 : 2018 (Occupational Safety and Health Management) and also operational indicators are set based on key courses of HSE related academic disciplines. To quantify the performance evaluation of the HSE-MS, we need to use quantitative indicators or in other words we should apply a measure for this purpose. The researchers suggested two measures in the HSE Qualitative Questionnaire for each indicator and experts had to select one of the two measures or introduce another one. In terms of weight of experts, the final measure is selected for each feature. In order to determine the effect or weight of each of the indicators on the performance evaluation of HSE-MS, we need to determine a method for weighting. Accordingly, the fuzzy analytic hierarchical process approach was developed to determine weight of the indicators. According to the selected method, a questionnaire called pairwise comparison matrix of indicators / measures was given to the experts based on triangular fuzzy numbers to determine each of the pairwise comparisons between the indicators according to the fuzzy linguistic expression.
Results: By reviewing the literature and receiving expert’s opinions, 10 general criteria and 54 indicators were identified so that the total number of identified management performance criteria and indicators are 7 and 28 respectively and also total number of identified operational performance criteria and indicators are 3 and 26 respectively. Management performance criteria include organizational environment, leadership, planning, support, operations, performance evaluation and improvement. Operational performance criteria include safety, health and environment. Nonetheless, the total weight of management and operational performance criteria is 40.5 and 59.5 respectively. Despite the higher number of management performance criteria, weights and importance of operational performance criteria for assessing HSE-MS performance is much more. Three operational performance criteria have largest weights based on experts’ opinions. The three operational performance criteria are assigned the highest weight followed by the management performance criteria. Among the management performance criteria, the improvement criterion is with the highest weight and the criterion of the organizational environment is with the least weight. Also, among the 54 identified indicators, the first six indicators (include product, particles, gases / vapors, machinery and equipment safety, biologically permitted hazardous agents, general safety (5S)) with the highest weight are all operational performance indicators and the last six indicators (include partnership, consultancy, organizational roles, responsibilities and organizational authorities, planning actions to achieve HSE objectives, internal audit, procurement and communications) with the lowest weight are management performance indicators. The obtained results using integrated method revealed that the organization 1 in boat industry has been placed in the top lists. Also, the results showed an influence of indicators weight on ranking of organization that considering this issue in performance evaluation of organizations especially in HSE-MS is the suggestion of this research.
Conclusion: While confirming the need for management and operational performance indicators to realistically evaluate the HSE performance of industrial organizations, this study emphasizes that the weight of operational performance indicators is higher than that of management - despite the higher number of management performance indicators. Obtained results showed that the integrated fuzzy analytical hierarchy process and Taxonomy methods can be used to evaluate the performance of Health, Safety, and Environment - Management System successfully. It seems that, performance evaluation with multi criteria decision making methods with employee's collaboration can increasingly leads to effectiveness in using HSE-MS. In order to improve the HSE performance of industrial organizations, the implementation of the relevant standards, including ISO 14001 : 2015 and ISO 45001 : 2018, must be such as to ultimately eliminate, reduce or contain safety hazards, adverse health factors and environmental consequences.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: HSE
Received: 2017/12/28 | Accepted: 2019/05/31 | Published: 2020/01/27

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