Volume 16, Issue 2 (2019)                   ioh 2019, 16(2): 61-78 | Back to browse issues page

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pakdaman M, ghaneian M, ehrampoosh M, lotfi M, gholamizarchi E. Investigating factors affecting the Interaction between Environmental health inspectors and providers of food procurement, distribution and supply centers in Yazd : AQualitative Study. ioh 2019; 16 (2) :61-78
URL: http://ioh.iums.ac.ir/article-1-2469-en.html
Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences Yazd , Ebigholami.63@gmail.com
Abstract:   (3639 Views)
Background and aims: One of the factors affecting the health of people in the community is the health status of food procurement distribution and supply. Overlooking and controlling of these centers is the responsibility of environmental health inspectors. Considering the importance of interaction between environmental health inspectors and providers of food supply, distribution and supply centers, and its impact on the implementation of health rules and regulations by the principal, the main objective of this study is to identify the factors affecting the interaction between environmental health inspectors and providers of procurement centers, Distributing and supplying food, as well as identifying the weaknesses and strengths of the system and the environmental health inspection method from the perspective of inspectors and operators. The health condition of supply centres, distribution and supply of food affects the health of the people of the society, which is why it is important to supervise the control of these centres in order to provide food security at a high degree. In Iran, monitoring centres, distribution and supply of food in order to protect the health of consumers from these centres will be directed at the Health Department of Medical Sciences of the Universities of Medical Sciencesacross the country. The proper monitoring and control of these centres has an effective and effective role in preventing and spreading epidemics and epidemics, causing public health and preventing waste of financial resources. In industrialized countries, about 30 % of people are suffering from water and food, while in third world countries, about 80 % of all diseases and 33 per cent of deaths are caused by water use and contaminated food. Therefore, experts and health experts have an important role in planning, implementation and management of health activities all over the local, national and global levels, as part of the advisory process in planning, implementation and management of health activities all over the local, national and global levels. control, distribution, and supply of food were always accompanied by many problems and defects, which in many cases caused the dissatisfaction of consumers. One of the most important of these problems is the failure of the operators to comply with the relevant health laws so that most of the time the enforcement of the regulations and health considerations have been accompanied by the resistance and refusal of the operators. For example, in 2016 alone 40 percent of the supply, distribution and supply of food in the country were in good health condition. there are few studies and researches on the issues of the work of health inspectors of the environment, which are not widely distributed to the long history and variety of work and function of the health inspectors of the environment and its importance. according to the importance of interaction between the health inspectors and the operators of supply centers, distribution and supply of food and its impact on the enforcement of laws and health orders from the incumbent, there has been no specific qualitative study in this regard. the main purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting the interaction between the health inspectors of the environment and operators of supply centers, distribution and supply of food as well as identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the system and the environment of the environment from the viewpoint of inspectors and operators and became aware.                                                                                           
Methods: This study is an applied study, and qualitative analysis of quality content analysis has been done. Participants included eight environmental health experts and six providers of food procurement, distribution and supply centers, Sample selection criteria were sample-based samples that were selected based on objective sampling. The criterion for the determination of the number of samples in this research was theoretical saturation of the researcher. Data was collected using semi-structured individual interviews. Interviews were recorded and then rewritten and analyzed using Maxqda 10 software and codes, subclasses and classes were identified And then for each of the 24 subclasses, a separate interpretation was written. in order to identify the key concepts and concepts in the text, the text of the interviews was written in line and word to each sentence or the keyword, and the initial codes were identified. In the next step, the same initial codes are grouped into one sub - floor and then the main classes of combination of the following categoriesCommon concepts were formed. It has been tried to make the highest heterogeneity among the classes and the highest heterogeneity among the classes. Initially, the classes were named, but it did not have the name of abstraction. By performing a continuous comparison of the same classes, the same themes were merged and finally extracted from the main themes. Also, for assessing codes, subclasses and classes derived from Densin and Linak criteria, including credibility, transferability, trust, and verifiability were used. to determine the validity and validity of the data, the researcher has a long - term relationship with research sites that has helped attract the confidence of the participants and the correct understanding of the environment by the researcher, the maximum diversity in selecting the participants and the right strategy in selecting the sample is to reassure the participants about confidentiality of information and their freedom in the study including means of credit enhancement. To provide data confidence, after analyzing the text of interviews by the researcher, the text of some of the interviews was available to some expert colleagues in order to compare them with the coding of the data, the data can be provided. in fact, the similarity of the second - type code was provided by the researcher's coding so that in the context of one of the interviews, 85 % of the codes written by researcher and the latter were similar. It was, in fact, used the review method by colleagues in this way that the text was copied and coded and analyzed by the colleagues in order to obtain consensus agreements in order to provide the data transmission capability, interview questions, codes, categories and generally the findings of the study were related to other knowledgeable individuals and experts and their comments about the fit of the findings were examined. in order to verify the data and determine the authenticity of the codes from the interviews, the information was confirmed by the participants. So, after interviewing, data mining and coding, the research has again turned to individual participants in the study and examined their approval from the literature and thus evaluation of samples was done from the literature and thus agreement and approval of the participants were obtained.
Results: participation in this research is the first group, experts and health inspectors of the environment with an average age of 41 (65)from both sexes (seven male and one female), with a bachelor's degree (six)and master " s (two), with an average of 75 / 17 (43), and in the second category, operators and operators Managers of the development, distribution and supply of food with an average age of 45 (65), all males, with certificate (one person)and diploma (four persons), with the average history record of 25 years (43 years). After analyzing the data in this study, 338 primary codes were extracted. After analyzing the extracted codes, the codes were classified in six main categories and 24 sub-classes. The main classes are the factors related to education, the focus of the monitoring system, legal measures, the inspection method, the acceptance of the rules by the curator, the attention of the inspector to the managerial and geographical conditions.
Conclusion: The opinions expressed in the interviews by the two groups of inspectors and attendants have many points of contact. This sharing of views between inspectors and attendants can provide the interaction fields between them as well. According to the expressed opinions, it is necessary to modify some methods and approaches in the health inspection of the food procurement, distribution and supply centers, Complete lack of focuson legal tools to change the behavior of operators and paying attention to the implementation of participatory training methods that have been less considered to date to increase the co-operation of service providers and agreed upon by both group of interviewees. Also, the entry of Self-reported health companies to the field of environmental health inspection and its consequence was one of the important issues that the inspectors and the operators looked at in this study with suspicion. Therefore, more attention should be paid to its implementation. The opinions of the interviewees (two groups of inspectors and operators)have a lot of sharing points about the various issues in health inspections. it is suggested that the opinions of operators as one of the stakeholders on the environment of the environment in decisions are investigated. The sharing of opinion between inspectors and operators can provide the fields of interaction between inspectors and operators. According to most participants, the necessity of reforming some methods and approaches is essential in health inspection of supply centres, distribution and supply of food. The focus and focus of the training and empowerment of investigators and the training of operators in modern ways and the lack of complete focus on legal instruments for the change of operators ' behaviour and attention to the implementation of corporate educational practices that have been less noticed today is necessary to enhance the cooperation of operators. It is also possible to consider some of the inspections as an advisory and training inspection at the curator " s workplace. according to the inspectors, under article 13 of the executive code of article 13 of the provisions of article 13 of the provisions of article 13 of the provisions of article 13 of the provision of edible, drinking, cosmetic and sanitary procedures and changing the procedures of legal action in the comprehensive audit system, the auditors are not yet familiar with the law and the executive procedure of recording checks and carrying out legal action has encountered some problems. On the other hand, the introduction of self - declaration to the area of health inspection and its outcome was an important issue in which the study was regarded by investigators and officials in doubt and doubt. Therefore, further consideration should be made about its implementation. finally, with regard to the extent of the activity of health inspectors from medical sciences at the university of medical sciences throughout the country as well as the small number of studies and researches related to various fields of auditors, inspectors are scientifically studied and analyzed and the effectiveness of activities such as inspection and sampling of food is analyzed as well as the effect of inspection from operators ' point of view. From the strengths of this study, it is possible to point out that for the first time with a qualitative study of defects and challenges and views of both groups of health inspectors of the environment and operators of supply centers, distribution and supply of food were examined and explored.                                                                       
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Qualitative and quantitative studies
Received: 2018/06/21 | Accepted: 2019/01/20 | Published: 2019/07/9

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