Volume 17, Issue 1 (2020)                   ioh 2020, 17(1): 415-436 | Back to browse issues page

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Toushmali G, Alimohammadzadeh K, Maher A, Hoseini S M, Bahadori M. Entrepreneurship University Conceptualization and Third Generation University Pattern Design. ioh 2020; 17 (1) :415-436
URL: http://ioh.iums.ac.ir/article-1-2962-en.html
Tehran , dr_khalil_amz@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (3805 Views)
Background and Aims: Entrepreneurial University has an approach based on the relationship between industry and academia and is of great importance in Iran, which has a high number of educated and unemployed people. The growing population of the country, the demographic composition of the youth, the inability of the productive sectors to attract labor, the need to create job opportunities and factors such as these are the reasons why major policymakers are looking for solutions to solve this problem. Entrepreneurship is not an issue, because entrepreneurship plays an important role in the economic development of countries. The University of Entrepreneurship is a university where scientific entrepreneurship can create a force for economic growth and compete in global markets. The importance of moving towards the universities of the third millennium, according to the Ministry of Health, is such that it is considered as a contextual package for the development and innovation packages in medical sciences education based on the country's higher education program. Activities that universities can have in this regard can include a variety of disciplines such as counseling, education, research and development, technology transfer, ownership or participation in growth centers and scientific parks, which means that it is an accepted responsibility for development. There are districts in these universities. In fact, entrepreneurial universities are organizationally managed in a way that they have the flexibility to meet socio-economic needs and strategies to pay attention to environmental opportunities. In these universities, entrepreneurship has become part of the university's main strategy and the result is the development of entrepreneurial culture in the university. The aim of this study is to express the importance of the University of Entrepreneurship and to design the model of the third generation university in the Islamic Azad University of Medical Sciences in Iran.
Methods: This study was performed by mixed (qualitative-quantitative) research method. In terms of purpose, this research is a fundamental research that has been done based on a mixed research method. From a chronological point of view, this research is in the category of cross-sectional research. The study area is the Islamic Azad University of Iran. The statistical population of this study includes university experts in the field of entrepreneurship who work in free universities in Iran. The criterion for selecting experts in the study is the result of two characteristics of education and work experience. In this study, experts must have a PhD in Entrepreneurship. They also have at least ten years of experience in entrepreneurship-related fields. Based on this, 10 qualified people have participated in this study. Targeted sampling method has been used for sampling. This means that experts must have at least ten years of experience in education, counseling, and policy-making in the field of entrepreneurship, and must have scientific writings in the form of books and articles. First, thematic analysis was used to analyze specialized interviews. Then, using the fuzzy Delphi method, the identified factors are validated. MaxQDA software has been used to perform the content analysis. Fuzzy Delphi method calculations have been performed in Matlab software and structural-interpretive modeling has been performed in MicMac software. Data collection tools are interviews related to the qualitative part of research and standard Delphi questionnaire and structural-interpretive modeling. In the qualitative section, after conducting interviews with experts, the interview texts were coded in maxqda software and a number of indicators were extracted. Then, by compiling a fuzzy Delphi questionnaire and providing it to experts, the obtained indicators were validated and screened. In the prohibitions, using the ISM questionnaire, the main categories of research were leveled and effective and influential indicators were identified and the final research model was presented.
Results: Based on the analysis of the interviews, the attraction of financial resources, innovation innovation, technological entrepreneurship management and the entrepreneurial approach of professors were identified as the main categories of the third generation university. Based on the results of fuzzy Delphi method, 33 indicators were selected to measure the categories and these factors were obtained using interpretive-structural modeling technique, analysis and finally communication and sequence of indicators. ‌ According to the leveling done, the final model of the university The third generation was designed at Islamic Azad University of Medical Sciences. Based on this model, entrepreneurial organizational culture is at the center of the model. This element is in dynamic interaction with attracting financial resources, innovation innovation, technological entrepreneurship management and entrepreneurial approach of university professors. It should be noted that the quality of people's knowledge and the text and content of the courses have a direct impact on the entrepreneurial approach of university professors. On the other hand, policies and policies are effective in attracting university funding. Creating a science and technology park is an effective step in the development and flourishing of innovation, and ultimately a flexible organizational structure is essential for managing technological entrepreneurship. To achieve these ultimate goals, this model should emphasize the general level of students' entrepreneurial skills and activities, students' theoretical skills, professors' entrepreneurial knowledge, culture of accepting new ideas and plans, realization of knowledge-based development and commercialization of science, and establishment of student companies. Indicators of the general level of skills and entrepreneurial activities of students, professors' entrepreneurial knowledge, the culture of accepting ideas and new plans, and the realization of knowledge-based development have high influence and low dependence. These variables are identified as independent variables. The two indicators of students' theoretical skills and lack of resistance to change and bureaucracy have high penetration power and dependency, and are considered to be the link variables. The characteristics of a flexible organizational culture, the re-engineering of structures, the existence of an entrepreneurial incentive reward system, and the holding of training courses have little influence and dependence. These autonomous variables have little effect on the system. Other variables are highly dependent and have little penetrating power, so they are dependent variables. Also, the variables of structure movement towards incubator and science and technology park, satisfaction and growth of science and technology park businesses, level of interactions of companies located in science and technology park, following new projects and registering them, innovation and creativity and culture in providing services and independence. The financial nature of the university and its self-government are the first level variables and as the most influential research variables. The variables of resistance to change and bureaucracy, the entrepreneurial experience of professors, the culture of supporting innovation and entrepreneurship, and the entrepreneurial approach of university presidents are the second level variables. The variables of absorption of the contributions of independent financial institutions, flexible organizational culture, reengineering of structures, pragmatic culture, and application of theories of the blue ocean are the third level variables. Variables for attracting government grants, adapting people's abilities to the assigned tasks, facilitating rules and regulations in order to protect entrepreneurship, selecting operational managers, creative and innovative, participatory and team nature of courses, holding training courses and course topics based on current needs and society The title of level four variable has been identified. Variables include support for student innovation, adaptation of students' ability to community needs, development of entrepreneurship and job creation by professors, the existence of an entrepreneurial incentive reward system, and entrepreneurial management strategies at the fifth level. Finally, the general level variables of students' entrepreneurial skills and skills, students' theoretical skills, professors' entrepreneurial knowledge, culture of accepting ideas and new plans, realization of knowledge-based development and commercialization of science and establishment of knowledge-based companies are the most basic elements of model.
Conclusion: Based on the achievements of this research, a flexible organizational structure is needed to implement the third generation university model. There should also be policy-making and academic policies to attract funding. Finally, while planning to improve the quality of people's knowledge, the text and content of the courses, the creation of a science and technology park can be on the agenda.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Qualitative and quantitative studies
Received: 2019/10/31 | Accepted: 2020/04/11 | Published: 2020/09/23

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