Volume 17, Issue 1 (2020)                   ioh 2020, 17(1): 489-498 | Back to browse issues page

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damari B, hajebi A, emami H, zeinaloo A A, vosoogh moghadam A, salarianzade M. The Effects of Energy Industry Development on the Health of Residents of the Pars Economic Energy Zone: viewpoints of people’s mediator. ioh 2020; 17 (1) :489-498
URL: http://ioh.iums.ac.ir/article-1-3088-en.html
Assistant Professor of Research in Commuity Medicine,Secretariat of Supreme Council for Health and Food Security, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran. , a_vosoogh@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (1907 Views)

Background and aims: Pars Special Energy Economic Zone is the second largest source of gas in the world and Iran’s energy capital. The oil and gas industries in many respects affect the health of the inhabitants of the region. The creation and development of this industry creates major stressors in the communities around these areas; include air pollution, surface water and groundwater pollution, heavy vehicle traffic, noise pollution, accidents, functional disorders, and psychosocial stresses associated with social change. Studies conducted in this area have shown that the physical, mental and social health status of workers and employees and their families is not good. Due to the special importance of this region in financing the country's development programs, providing, maintaining and promoting its sustainable health is of strategic importance.
Community participation in health issues has many benefits in terms of health care and development; because it increases problem-solving skills in communities so that they take responsibility for their health and well-being as much as possible and ensure that the needs and issues of the community are properly addressed. There are different patterns for people's participation. However, in a wide and public participation, the use of people's representation has been emphasized, which accelerates the participation of the people. These representatives could be the leaders and elders of the target community, official and legal representatives of the people, non-governmental organizations, self-help groups, volunteers, popular people in the community and special groups.  Content analysis method was used to summarize the obtained information.
The completed questionnaires and oral comments recorded in the group discussion sessions were manually coded and then were classified as the main themes Includes the benefits, disadvantages, main problems and strategies for improving health and how to operationalize the role of people.This study is aimed to examine the challenges and strategies for health promotion of the people from the viewpoint of the mediators of the region.

Methods: This is a qualitative study with intentional sampling which the snowball method was used to complete the list of participants and 20 mediators participated in this study. First, a list of popular networks was prepared using purposive sampling method. After identifying the networks, they were asked in an official letter to introduce an informed and interested representative to identify and address the health challenges of the region. After identifying the networks, they were asked in an official correspondence to introduce an informed and interested representative to identify and address the health challenges of the region. Then, in a two-hour meeting with the presence of the introduced representatives, a poll was conducted on them through a focused group discussion method. In this meeting, while stating the goals and ensuring the confidentiality of the collected information, a written questionnaire was distributed among them and after answering within 15 minutes, people's opinions about the problems of the region and solutions were taken orally. Finally, the draft prepared by the research team was reviewed and the necessary amendments were made with the opinion of the majority of members.
Results: According to the mediators, the existence of industry in the region has led to the benefits such as job creation, cultural and educational development and extending urban services. Moreover, gas extraction and the creation of the country's economic capital have led to the acquisition of knowledge and skills comparable to other countries.
 Disadvantages of industry are including air, watersoil and sea contamination. The usable lands have been destroyed and the traditional jobs such as agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing have been destroyed. Following the entry of subcultures into the original culture of the people, cultural tensions have occurred and a deep gap has been created between people and companies;and crimes have increased. The three main problems were lack of facilities and medical infrastructure with equitable distribution; high prevalence of diseases due to environmental contamination and Unemployment. Consideration of health centers and health houses, drinking water health and people engagement in regional decision making have been suggested.
Conclusion: In this study, the maximum effort of researchers has been made to involve people's representatives and mediators, which is one of the preconditions for the development of the region and one of the most obvious requests of the mediators. The use of a focused group discussion method not only led to researchers gather the views of different groups of people but also made the mediators themselves interacted more effectively and were aware of each other's view points.
 In conclusion, people's opinions refer more to the roots and causes and indicate that the trust between the people and the officials in the region has been severely damaged, however, they are grateful and aware that they should be empowered to improve their situation. Interaction between these three groups is essential to improve the region's health: people, the oil industry and sovereignty of the local government. It is recommended that the health council of the region is formed with the participation of people's representatives after the process of applying people's opinion and designing a comprehensive health plan
Full-Text [PDF 661 kb]   (776 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Qualitative and quantitative studies
Received: 2019/09/18 | Accepted: 2020/04/23 | Published: 2020/09/23

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