Volume 19, Issue 1 (2023)                   ioh 2023, 19(1): 408-426 | Back to browse issues page

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abdolahi B, Hajjartabar M, Saeedi R, Bagheri A. Survey of effectiveness of HSE management system on the situation of sustainable development in the petrochemical industry. ioh 2023; 19 (1) : 27
URL: http://ioh.iums.ac.ir/article-1-3261-en.html
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences , m.hajjartabar@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1295 Views)
Background and Aim: Based on the importance of sustainable development and its role in the country's development, organizations and industries have considered the challenges and concerns of health, safety and the environment beyond profitability and increased productivity and have considered social and environmental goals. But in practice, this task has been less realized. The HSE management system is an approach whose optimal and efficient deployment in industries is very important and is effective on the sustainable development of industries and the growth and development of any country. Therefore, in the importance of the interaction between the two, it can be said that solving HSE challenges requires changing the pattern of cultural, organizational and human performance, and managers should move in terms of knowledge, attitude and skills, in line with the realization of the HSE management system and, as a result, sustainable development. In order to achieve this goal, the current research was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of the HSE management system on sustainable development in the petrochemical industry of Sanandaj. Based on this, the approaches leading to the optimal conditions for establishing the HSE management system effective on sustainable development in petrochemicals were investigated.
Method: The current research is a descriptive-applied study that has been conducted in two general parts (first, design and validation of evaluation tools, and second, checking the status and effectiveness) and seven stages, and emphasizes on the effectiveness of the HSE management system on sustainable development. A researcher-made questionnaire was designed to evaluate the status of the HSE management system (63 items) and sustainable development (59 items). For the validity of the questionnaire, the method of determining the content validity was used in two ways: CVR content validity ratio coefficient and CVI content validity index. These questionnaires were administered to 143 petrochemical managers and employees of Sanandaj Petrochemical. Then, the components and status of the HSE management system and the components and status of sustainable development in the petrochemical industry were determined, and the impact (increasing or decreasing) of the HSE management system on the status of sustainable development was investigated. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics with the help of SPSS software.
Result: The status of the HSE management system in the components of commitment and leadership, policy and common goals, and implementation, recording and monitoring is appropriate, but the three components of organization, resources and documentation, risk assessment and management, and planning should be improved. The state of sustainable development in all three components of social development, economic development and environmental protection is not suitable and should be improved. In examining the impact (increasing or decreasing) of the HSE management system on the state of sustainable development, the findings showed that the HSE management system has the greatest impact on sustainable development in the dimensions of environmental development, economic development, and social development, respectively.
Conclusion: The results show that although the optimal establishment of all components of the HSE management system in petrochemical industries and its impact on sustainable development is vitally important, its establishment in large and small industries has not happened completely. This is the guarantee of their growth and development as well as sustainable development in nascent petrochemical industries, and its establishment conditions should be among the primary standards. In this matter, the knowledge, attitude and skills of the upstream managers of the petrochemical industry are very decisive.

Article number: 27
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: HSE
Received: 2021/06/22 | Accepted: 2022/11/5 | Published: 2023/05/9

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