Volume 10, Issue 4 (2013)                   ioh 2013, 10(4): 75-87 | Back to browse issues page

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Yazdani A A, Gholami R. Standard Application of OHSAS for the Purpose of Upgrading Labor Safety Level at Mazandaran Wood & Paper Industries . ioh 2013; 10 (4) :75-87
URL: http://ioh.iums.ac.ir/article-1-371-en.html
PNU, Sari Center , amirabbasyazdani@gmail.com
Abstract:   (7646 Views)

Background and aims:  Organizations of any type are increasingly looking for a desirable level of labor health and proving their current safety measures. The OHSAS standard relies on Deming cycle which is the specialist in continues system improvement and it claims that it can provide the elements of an effective safety system for organizations and the aim of this study includes reviewing the effects of establishing OHSAS in labor safety and occupation health during a case study. The Review

Method: the present case study which is cross-sectional type, tries to describe the method of supplying the necessary infrastructure for establishing an effective OHSAS standard. The indices used in this respect and the measures taken in MWPI, have a desirable extendable capabilities for other industries, as well.

Results: the research results showed that by establishing this standard, the severity (ASR) and frequency (AFR) rations for events in the case study follow a desirable trend and the indices such as maneuver period for controlling the events, improved significantly. While, the related tables and RPN calculations for all the departments have contributed a greet deal to control the potential events in an improving manner.

Conclusion: obviously providing safe environment and guaranteeing the labors' health is among the important concerns of the managers of any organization and the present research whit its findings indicate the high capability of OHSAS standard for upgrading the labor safety level of any organization. Auditing the activities show the improvement of labor's health and safety in the case study company and the facilitation of extending these measures and use them as criteria, assurances continues improvement of job environments.

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Type of Study: case report | Subject: Integrated Management Systems(I.M.S)
Received: 2012/01/17 | Accepted: 2012/08/15 | Published: 2013/11/16

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