Volume 9, Issue 2 (2012)                   ioh 2012, 9(2): 27-39 | Back to browse issues page

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Sadra Abarqhouei N, Hosseini Nasab H, Fakhrzad M. Macro Ergonomics Interventions and their Impact on Productivity and Reduction of Musculoskeletal disorders: Including a Case Study. ioh 2012; 9 (2) :27-39
URL: http://ioh.iums.ac.ir/article-1-854-en.html
, nasersadra@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (11486 Views)

  Background and aims : The present studies show that the theoretical discussions and the applications of ergonomics have not been seriously handled in our country, Iran. So, the aim of the current study was to present an appropriate method which could help in increasing the productivity and decreasing the risk factors of ergonomics in socio-technical systems.

  Methods: During the present study, a theoretical model was developed to guide the “ergonomic intervention processes” and its evaluation and application was carried out for an educational organization (EO). The faculty members were selected as the subjects of statistical survey and simple random sampling was performed. The level of musculoskeletal disorders was evaluated in control and treatment groups. Comparative analysis of the obtained data was carried out using fuzzy numbers and their level of confinement.

  Results: According to the results of present study with the help of ergonomic interventions, an increase in the activity of staff members, increased revenue, expansion of work with the least number of manpower and a decrease in the overall expenses was seen as compared to the base year. In addition, the analysis of questionnaires with fuzzy approach has shown that the level of musculoskeletal disorders in the experimental group was less as compared to that of control group.

  Conclusion: The results obtained by the use of macro and micro ergonomic interventions (Total ergonomics) have proved that these methods were successful by increasing the innovation and motivation of the staff members to solve the organizational problems as compared to the base year. The decrease of musculoskeletal disorders among the members resulted to an increase of performance in different units of the educational organization.


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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2012/11/12 | Published: 2012/11/15

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