Volume 16, Issue 1 (2019)                   ioh 2019, 16(1): 13-22 | Back to browse issues page

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Hosseini S A, Bagheri A, Izadi M, Salehi O, Farkhaie F. The Effect of Eight Weeks of Training and Two Weeks of Detraining in Office on Vaspin and Glycemic Indices of Male Staff . ioh 2019; 16 (1) :13-22
URL: http://ioh.iums.ac.ir/article-1-2180-en.html
Islamic Azad University , alihoseini_57@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (4831 Views)
Background and Aim: Adipose tissue is biologically superior to energy storage and an active tissue and secretes proteins such as vaspin, called adipokine. The relationship between fatty tissue and other biological systems of the body is through the expression of some bioactive molecules called adipocytokines. Adipokines are involved in various metabolic processes, including appetite regulation, insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion, energy expenditure, cardiovascular function, and inflammation. Vaspin can be considered as an adipokine derived from internal adipose with insulin sensitivities. In humans, vaspin serum concentrations are associated positively with age, body mass index, and insulin sensitivity disorder. Vaspin is a serine protease inhibitor family discovered in 2005 and has a composition of 392 to 395 amino acids. This adipokine was found in the visceral fat tissue of rat, a model of obese animals with type 2 diabetes. Vaspin plays a very important role in the pathogenesis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. This substance not only regulates the amount of insulin sensitivity, but also acts as a mediator of inflammatory processes. It has also been reported that vaspin circulation is associated with gender, body fat percentage, glucose, insulin, and insulin resistance. It has been reported that vaspin by reacting oxygen inhibitors can inhibit the inflammatory state of smooth muscle cells. Increasing blood glucose results in oxidative stress, which in turn results in the activation of the nuclear factor and thus an increase in the level of pre-inflammatory cytokines in the bloodstream. Consumption of vaspin in obese rats with high fat diet resulted in improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity and inversely altered expression of genes that are dependent on insulin resistance. Animal studies suggest that effecting vaspin on insulin sensitivity increases its effect on adipose tissue. Therefore, it is suggested that the incremental regulation of vaspin suggests a compensatory mechanism against insulin resistance. Sports activities and healthy living today are topics that we have heard or read much more in a variety of ways about their importance. In fact, most people in the world do sports and physical activity in different ways; however, with the mechanization of lifestyle communities, more people go to inertial and sedentary environments. The results of the researches confirm the theory that all people are convinced that exercise is essential for health and well-being and also regular physical activity is essential for themselves and their children. Few studies have been conducted on the effect of sports activity on vaspin and glycemic indices, which have contradictory results, some suggesting that sports activities increase, decrease or without changes in the levels of vaspin. Therefore, due to the limited and controversial studies and the importance of not engaging in sports activities, this study aimed to investigate the effect of eight weeks of aerobic training and two weeks of detraining on levels of vaspin, glucose, insulin and insulin resistance in inactive men.
Methods: In this quasi-experimental and applied study, a design of two-group with pre-test- post-test with repeated measurement with control group was used. To conduct the research, 22 non-active male employees of Islamic Azad University, Fars Science and Research Branch, were selected as statistical sample. In order to conduct this research, a first announcement was made at the level of Islamic Azad University, Fars Science and Research Branch, and all volunteers were invited to participate in this study. Subsequently, during the meeting for all volunteers, the method of conducting research, potential injury and health benefits of the contribution in this study was explained. Then, 22 subjects were selected as the statistical sample among the volunteers. Among the criteria for entering this study, we can point out the lack of drug addiction, the absence of specific diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases and the ability to perform exercises until the end of the study period. Further, considering that aerobic power is effective on the variables of the research, aerobic power (maximum oxygen consumption) of all subjects was first measured using Cooper field test, and the subjects regarding the aerobic power were divided into two equal groups including experimental and control groups. It is worth noting that in the present study; the statistical sample was selected based on the reported studies. Subsequently, 48 hours later, all subjects attended the laboratory at 8 AM, and from all of them received 7 CC of fasting blood. The experimental group then ran a treadmill for a period of eight weeks, three sessions per week, and each session for 60 minutes with speed of 70% of the heart rate reserve on the treadmill. The control group was asked to do just their daily activities during this time. After eight weeks, blood sampling measured from experimental and control groups at 8 AM similar to the pretest at the same time. The experimental group then interrupted their trainings for two weeks. After two weeks, blood samples gathered again from both experimental and control groups. For analysis of the research findings, Kolmogorov- Smirnov, analysis of variance with repeated measures and independent sample t- tests were used (α = 0.05). SPSS / 20 and Excell / 2010 software were also used.
Results: The results of analysis of variance with repeated measures test showed that there were no significant difference in changes of vaspin levels in the pre-test, first post-test and second post-test between experimental and control groups (P = 0.50); changes in fasting blood glucose levels in pretest, first post-test and second post-test between experimental and control groups (P = 0.85); changes in insulin levels in pre-test, first post-test and second post test between experimental and control groups (P = 0.95) and changes in insulin resistance levels in pre-test, first post-test and second post-test between experimental and control groups (P = 0.65). Also, there were no significant difference in the changes of vaspin levels in pre-test, first post-test and second post-test in experimental (P = 0.79) and control (P = 0.61) groups; changes in fasting blood glucose levels in the pre-test, first post test and second post test in experimental (P = 0.06) and control (p = 0.23) groups; changes in insulin levels in pretest, first post test and second post test in experimental (P = 0.55) and control (P = 0.43) groups and changes in insulin resistance levels in pretest, first post test and second post test in experimental (P = 0.98)  and control (P = 0.58) groups. Therefore, eight weeks of aerobic training, as well as two weeks of detraining, have no significant effect on serum levels of vaspin, glucose, insulin and insulin resistance in inactive men.
Conclusions: Regarding the contradiction in the results of the reported studies, it cannot be determined with certainty that the mechanism of the effect of sports activities on vaspin, however, the exercise and weight loss in collaboration and through mechanisms that are completely separate but related, improve the cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors; So that exercise has important role due to reduced fat storage or changes in the function of adipose tissue cells as an endocrine organ which secreting adipocytokines such as interleukin-6, C- reactive protein and vaspin. Thus, if the exercise do not reduce the number of fat cells or improve the function of these cells, the ability of exercise is limited to adjusting the levels of adipokines, insulin resistance, and inflammation, or that it is not generally seen. According to the results of this study, eight weeks, three sessions per week and each session for 45 minutes running on a treadmill with intensity of 60-70% heart rate reserve had not significant effect on changes of serum levels of vaspin and glycemic indices in staff male; it concluded that eight weeks of aerobic trainings and two weeks of detraining have no significant effect on the levels of vaspin and glycemic indices in staff male.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Physical agents at work
Received: 2017/12/7 | Accepted: 2019/01/5 | Published: 2019/06/2

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