Volume 14, Issue 2 (2017)                   ioh 2017, 14(2): 127-134 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghorbani Shahna F, Assari M J, Farad Mal J, Jafar Zade Kolne Lu A, Hatami H. Assessment of Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde in Hiar Dressers Work in Kermanshah and Hamadan Female Beatuy Salons. ioh 2017; 14 (2) :127-134
URL: http://ioh.iums.ac.ir/article-1-1126-en.html
Department of Occupational Health, Faculty of Public Health, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences , hosna.hatami@gmail.com
Abstract:   (6515 Views)

Background and aims: Formaldehyde (FA) is a colorless toxic gas used as a disinfectant and preservative and known as a carcinogen and strong irritant. Due to its germicidal, preservative and fixative properties, formaldehyde or other chemicals that potentially produce formaldehyde, are used in some cosmetics. OSHA has warned about hair dresser’s exposure to FA higher than threshold limit values. Because of the importance of this air pollutant and the lack of enough studies in Iran, the present study aimed at occupational monitoring of FA exposure in hair salons in Hamedan and Kermanshah cities.

Methods: Short term (n=20) and long term (n=45) air samples were collected on sorbent tubes in the breathing zone of selected hair dressers and then analyzed based on methods NIOSH 2016 and 2541, respectively.

Results: The concentrations of FA in short-term and long-term samples were in ranges of 0-0.6935 and 0-0.6034 ppm, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences between mean concentrations of FA in long- term and short-term samples and also between studied work tasks (based on used cosmetics).

Conclusion: According to obtained results, the concentration of FA in some samples was higher than Iran’s OEL (0.3 ppm). Therefore, it is necessary to do more occupational exposure monitoring and apply control measures such as installing proper ventilation systems, correcting the existing systems, supervising the quality of cosmetics, and training programs for target group.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Chemical agents at work
Received: 2016/03/22 | Accepted: 2017/03/5 | Published: 2017/07/10

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